Sunday, December 31, 2006

Isi angin

Had a flat tyre just now. Urgh, the inconvenience was a nightmare. I guess i should blame Isham 'cause he was driving.. hehe (jangan marah)... but he did most of the tyre-changing process and i should be grateful. After we changed the tyre, the spare tyre did not have enough pressure in it! We had to make a turn to the petrol station. So people, remember to isi angin in your spare tyre also!
The question now, where can i find an open tyre shop on Hari Raya?
After safely made my way to Kemaman with the spare tyre intact, i found out that my front tyre has a gelembung on it. Showed it to my uncle and he said "Ni bahaya ni, kena tukar. Tu lah, beli tayar cap ayam".
I finally found an open tyre shop in Kemaman, decided to change all four tyres to a more branded one. Luckily they accept trade-in of the old tyres.
After driving with the new tyres, i felt like the journey was more smooth and quiet. Plus, it says that the tyres can reduce fuel consumption! Note to self: Money well spent. (or it could be just a psychological effect)

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