Saturday, April 15, 2006


Just finished watching Gubra with Fala, Fuad, Suren and Sani. It's a sort of a sequal to Sepet. We all agree that it's a good movie. Indeed, it's not a 'perfect' movie - you're somewhat left feeling wanting, but it's a brave effort by a Malaysian film maker. We especially like all the underlying messages on our current society. You have to watch to understand what i mean.
The five of us laughed the loudest in the cinema. There are plenty of funny moments - Pak Atan and Mak Inom doing macarena on the bed, Yam's comment on the ambulan service - however, my favourite part and i find the funniest is not even spoken in Malay. The part where the nurses spoke Tamil and made a small remark in the hospital after attending to Pak Atan. Nasib baik Suren was there to translate! Next time if i decide to watch again, i need to bring a Chinese friend to translate the Chinese dialogues.
To Fit: yes, it's true, you can see a guy's bare ass in the movie. I'm sure you will appreciate that.
p.s: Make sure you stay until the end of the credits.

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