Sunday, July 22, 2007

Death to Potter?

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is out today. Couldn't get the copy of the book today because they only sell it to those who pre-book them only. How rude.

Many questions needs to be answered in this highly anticipated final book. I for one is looking forward on how it will all end.

Will Harry Potter die? I'm in the school of thought that Rowling will end Potter's life in this final book, much like how Agatha Christie killed another of my favourite character, Hercule Poirot. Killing Potter will avoid other author to write a sequel of your book when you're dead (like how a sequel of Gone With The Wind came out).

On the true nature of Snape's action? Is he good or is he bad? Hmm... i surely think he is bad... He did after all killed Dumbledore! Some might not think so.

What do you think? Will Harry die? Is Snape bad? Did you pre-book the book? Read it already? No spoilers please...

Friday, July 20, 2007

Makan free lagi...

Hmm... PPA result dah kluar... sesaper yg berkenaan tu kenalah belanja... :P

Monday, July 09, 2007

The Delegator

tr.v. (-gāt') del·e·gat·ed, del·e·gat·ing, del·e·gates
- To authorize and send (another person) as one's representative.
- To commit or entrust to another: delegate a task to a subordinate.
- Law: To appoint (one's debtor) as a debtor to one's creditor in place of oneself.

I have a delegator in the office. He looves to delegate most, well - almost all - of his work to everyone in the office. Sometimes I wonder what he does everyday.

Today, while I was in training in town, I got a call from office and the delegator said "Apsal gi training? Banyak keje kat ofis ni" and asked me to return to office if the training 'tak penting'. Which translates "Who's gonna do my work?". Before I left for the weekend, I have finished all of MY work that are within my control, so there should be no question me leaving for the training. Totally ruined my day.

So, do you have a delegator in your office? Do you usually ignore phone calls from office when on training or holiday? Should I?

Sunday, July 08, 2007

What did I do after two weekends of travelling? Nothing.

I'm so amazed that the weekend went by so fast even though I did basically nothing.

Can't wait for our next trip. People say that once you do the travel thingy, you'll get addicted. How true.

Selamat Pengantin Baru Fuad!

Congrats to Fuad!! We had fun attending your wedding. Ala2 wedding of the year gitu... hehe. Hope you're happy with our gift. Kepada mereka yang tak dapat hadir, bolehlah tatap gambar2 glamour Fuad kat bawah.
Nice pose! (After much arrangement of the face and body by the mak andam)
Cahaya kecewa tak dapat tapau daging...

Three perfect couples...

Mencari the famous kedai kopi

Dunno why they drank Coke at kedai kopi...