Tuesday, May 09, 2006


My secondary school friend of whom I haven't been in contact with for ten years (!) IMed me yesterday. We chatted for quite sometime and reminisce of the good old times. I was laughing out loud when he said 'now when I see a picture of Garfield, it reminded me of you'. The thing is, when I was in primary school, I was - for a lack of better word - obsessed with the fat cartoon cat. I used to buy all sorts of Garfield stuff - you name it; key chains, mugs, etc - I got it. Now? Not so much. What got me thinking is how much actually have we changed for the past 10 years? I was reminded of the line uttered by Gwyneth Paltrow in Great Expectations which i love: "We are who we are, people don't change." But how true is it?
I sort of made a mental list of this and to me, the biggest change for me (besides physical) for the last ten years would be my habits, namely smoking. It shocked the hell out of my friend (not to mention my mother when she found out not too long ago). The history of my smoking is quite short. Since I picked up smoking during the years of my study at the university, I have no historic flashback stories of smoking in school toilets and such. Though my mother bugs me incessantly about quitting, I have no plans for changing that habit. As beautifully put by Carrie in Sex and the City, "smoking is the only thing that keeps me balanced".
But one thing for sure that haven't changed is my obsession with Mariah. And that, "obsession" would be an understatement.

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