Thursday, December 30, 2004

Happy New Year

Happy new year

Note to self: New Year Resolutions
1. Save more money
2. Read 12 books in a year
3. Exercise more (ha ha) ... or start exercising
4. Stop..erm.. Smoke less

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

Show me the way

need map?

Confession: I have a bad sense of direction. When i mean bad, i mean that when people draw me a detailed map to get somewhere, i can still lose my way. Yes people, i have a 'disability'.
A few people is affected by this: my friends who wants me to pick them up somewhere and my family members and friends who have to draw detail maps for me to get there. Not to mention how i am affected by this. My social life sometimes is hindered by this. My friend actually refuse to hang out with me because i don't know how to get to his house! Yeah i know, i should be adventurous and try to find my way and 'there's always the first time' and yada yada yada.. but the thought of getting lost and how i can't find my way back actually scares me the s*** out of me. If you should open the glove box in my car, you would find dozen of maps drawn for me to get places. I don't throw them out because i need them later as i don't remember to get there the second time! Maybe i need professional help.
p.s: for those with the same disability, you can check this out to help you find your way..

Monday, December 27, 2004

Stop, Look, Go!

Just got back from town. Oh God, driving in Kuantan can be very stressful. Not because of jam (not at night anyway), but because of the drivers. People in Kuantan doesn't seem to have a sense of urgency. I mean, road hogging can be considered as a culture here. They drive slow on the right lane, and i mean really slow. I wonder what goes in their mind at that time. Maybe they they think that "Hey, it's my road and i can drive as slow as i want". The left lane is there for a reason people!! It's like it's Sunday morning everytime they get behind the wheels. Simply irritates me.

And one more thing; why the hell is there so many traffic lights in Kuantan??
Top Ten points of driving ettiquette
Air Adam)
10. To those people who read the newspaper while they're driving to work: It's not like you'll be doing anything at your desk. Read it then.
9. One word: indicator.
8. And remember to turn it off afterwards.
7. If the oncoming car is going faster than you can accelerate, it's probably worth your while to wait 3 seconds for it to pass before you pull out.
6. Gentlemen, leave the electric razor at home. Don't you have a bathroom?
5. Ladies, keep your eyes on the road, not on the vanity mirror.
4. You are driving a car, not a dog. So get your nose out of my ass.
3. Try to drive in only one lane at a time.
2. If you are in the "fast lane" and everyone is passing you, you are in the wrong lane.
1. Don't honk at me for stopping for an emergency vehicle. It's probably your house that's on fire.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

It LOOKS easy..

I thought i would be easy; this blogging thing. Writing is not the hard part. I cant seem to make the page looks nice. The side bar looks too empty, the font of the title doesn't look the way i wanted to, etc...

Looks like i have to learn HTML, which looks difficult. I need help!

p.s: Maybe my housemate Fuad can help me..

Saturday, December 25, 2004

My First Time

Hello there... Posted by Hello

So, i've finally created a blog. After reading quite a few blogs for the past two years. Just wondering what the fuss is all about. Well, was also wondering will people actually going to read this. Well, perhaps it can fill up my time when i'm bored (which is actually a lot). Till then.