Monday, June 19, 2006

Sugar High

Was feeling sugar-deprived last night and decided to go to Starbucks. Of the limited choices of food at Kuantan's Starbucks, i ordered the Apple Crumble with whipped cream and (hold your breath) glazed with caramel. Dunno whether i was hungry or what, it was sinfully delicious! (Never mind it costs me sepuluh ringgit!)

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Movie Marathon

Tonight i watched 3 movies; 1 at the cinema and 2 on DVDs.


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As always, Pixar did not dissapoint me. Good storyline and superb CGI. Hailed as the best movie so far this summer by critics. Kinda agree with that, but i still prefer The Incredibles to this.

Rating: A-

Date Movie

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Suprisingly short (clocked at 1 hour plus), this movie also fell short on my expectations. There are a few really funny scenes taking parody on romantic movies, but it did not match the 'classic' Scary Movie.

Rating: C+

Match Point

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A disturbingly good movie which made me glued to the screen, starring Scarlett Johannsen (!) and Jonathan Rhys-Meyers. You can say this movie combines sex, mystery, thriller, good writing and great performances.

Rating: A

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Summer Movies

X-Men: The Last Stand
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Enjoyed it overall. Though had mixed feelings about the deaths. Not actually happy that the main characters died. Brett Ratner did a good job in taking over from Bryan Singer. The film still has the same feel and look as the first two. Only wished that the new characters could be developed more. Here's hoping for another sequel!

Rating: A-

The Omen
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Didn't actually remember the original. That said, i do feel sumwhat satisfied after watching the movie. Maybe because i practically jumped out of my seat in one of the scenes. It was a good scare. (the last time i terkejut like that was masa tengok Jurasic Park II). It managed to create a certain creepy mood. P.S: proud of the fact that i watched it on 06.06.06.

Rating: B

The Da Vinci Code
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Having read the book, i find this movie: average. I don't think this movie will be able to stand by itself without the book. Ron Howard didn't actually do a great job in bringing the book to the screen. I find the movie lacked suspense and the story didn't focus on the 'sacred feminity' angle. Lets hope Angels and Demons will be better.

Rating: B

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Arkham Horror

Played Amin's Arkham Horror board game last Friday nite...
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"Huh?" Fit
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Suren asking question#154 of the night.