Sunday, February 26, 2006

Call the cops

Robbed! Our house and cars were broken into last friday! Talking about a shitty week. My housemate's wallet was stolen, along with some money... and i lost... my mariah cd casing! Of all the stuff from my car, the only thing the damn robber took was my Mimi's cd casing... And so, we did all the police report thing... but of course, you don't expect to see your stolen stuff back! That's the way it is.
I'm still mourning over our loss.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I texted an old friend from school today. He called back (how nice of him). Anyways, the reason i texted him is that some of my schoolmates are planning to have a get together next weekend, just to catch up. This whole thing reminded me of the good old days. Nothing much to worry about, less responsibilities... That's weird 'cos masa sekolah dulu, can't wait to finish school and get a job! Weird huh? Maybe it's the idea of earning your own money and being independent makes it worth while. When i think about it, i don't think i would want to go back and having the pressure of getting good grades!
I'm having quite a stressfull day at work. Everything that could go wrong, did. To top it off, this month, it's time for employees' appraisal. Urgh. It's kinda difficult being judged and graded by a superior.
Waiting for American Idol repeat at 11.30pm.. to relieve the stress. I'm a sucker for reality shows :). But that's another story.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Urban Batik

The company i'm working with is having it's 15th anniversary dinner tonight. Of course, yours truly kena jadi balachi (correct spelling?).. jaga registration... Theme for the night is the pollitically correct theme of BATIK.. So, kenalah pakai baju batik... So, i've asked me mom to buy me a new baju batik (cos the old one is more than 6 years old).
Ok, it was just an excuse for me to get new clothes.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Bought a new book today. The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. Supposed to be good. Haven't started reading it yet.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

I can see clearly now

I am officially rabun. Got my glasses last week after a year or so in denial (that i don't need glasses). Of course, the glasses is branded. Spent a fortune on it. Hehe. Can't help it. My friend told me that i turned something that i need into something i want. And only I can do that, ladies and gentlemen..

p.s: Did i mention i got a new handphone last two months? No wonder i'm broke...